
Free Dental Care for Children Ages 4-12

Oklahoma children will receive free dental care during the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry’s annual Kids’ Day held on Saturday, March 3.

During the event, both dental and dental hygiene students – working under the supervision of trained dentists – will provide complimentary cleanings, fillings, crowns and caps as needed to children between the ages of 4 and 12.

“More than 20 years ago, the OU College of Dentistry students and faculty recognized many children in our state have very limited opportunities to receive dental care. The annual Kids’ Day program was developed to help address that need and continues, to this day, to be one of the college’s primary outreach programs,” said Dr. Kevin Haney, Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. “Instrumental in our recent success has been our partnership with the Delta Dental of Oklahoma Foundation. The Foundation’s attitude of ‘what can we do to help’ has been most appreciated.”

Pre-registration to the event opens Monday, February 12 and is required for treatment. Time slots are limited and, once filled, pre-registration will close. Call 405-607-4755 before the event to pre-register and receive an assigned time slot.

Patients will be seen as quickly as possible, but please be prepared to spend several hours at the event. Be sure to bring necessary personal items such as medication, diapers, snacks, etc. All children/patients must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Free parking will be available.